Results of the pome crops multiyears researches in Crimea
UDC 631.527: 634.11/13: 634.7
Results of the pome crops multiyears researches in Crimea / Babina R.D., Litchenko N.A., Grytsenko L.A., Khoruzhy P.G. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2014. – 68. – P. 29-41. – Refs.: 17. – in Russian.
The paper presents the results of breeding pome crops at the Crimean Research Station of Horticulture for many years. Main directions of their researching have been determined taking into consideration natural and climatical conditions of the region. The authors have made the economic and biological valuation of the cultivars and breeding forms attained at the institution.
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