Apple clonal micropropagation with the gene Vf and possibilities of the polyploidy meristems inducing in vitro
UDC 634.11:581.16
Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) clonal micropropagation with the gene Vf and possibilities of the polyploidy meristems inducing in vitro / Dzhafarova V.E. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2014. – 68. – P. 191-199. – Refs.: 23. – in Russian.
The peculiarities of two stages of the scab immune apple varieties microclonal propagation, namely: meristems planting in the media and micropropagation are generalized in the paper. Their optimization enables to copy the cultivars as buds and shoots (conglomerates). The selection of buds for colchicine treatment makes it possible to reveal the best variants: adventive buds at a size of 3-4 mm and apical ones up to 5 mm. On the basis of the meristem ploidy change as a result of the colchicine treatment it has been concluded that there is a possibility of inducing the apple cvs mitotic polyploidy tissues with the gene Vf.