Plum pox virus on cherry: spreading, diagnosis, stamms
UDÑ 631.541.1:634.20
Plum pox virus on cherry (Cerasus vulgaris Mill.): spreading, diagnosis, stamms / Prikhod’ko Y.N., Shneider Y.A., Zhivayeva T.S., Morozova O.N., Vasyuta S.A. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2014. – 68. – P. 258-274. – Refs.: 48. – in Russian.
The authors report about the detection of the new Plum pox virus stamm – Cherry Russian (PPV-CR) and identification of the isolates PPV of the stamms Cherry (PPV-C) and Dideron (PPV-D).
1 Tabl., 7 Figs.