Horticulture N 76
No 76
Grynyk ².V., Filiov V.V. History and present time of the L.P. Symyrenko Research Station of Pomology of the Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine P. 5-9Grynyk I.V., Bublyk M.O. The newest achievements of the Coordination and Methodological Centre (CMC) "Horticulture" as the realization of the ideas of Volodymyr Symyrenko in the modern conditions P. 9-19
Boldyzheva L.D. Breeding and spread of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) new cultivars P. 20-24
Voloshyna V.V., Gomeniuk V.I. Economic and biological assessment of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) hybrid offsprings in the conditions of the Right-Bank Lisosteppe of Ukraine P. 25-33
Tarnavska K.P. Productivity and fruit quality of the introduced apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars under the conditions of Podillia P. 33-39
Tolstolik L.M. Pear (Pyrus communis L.) cultivars self-fertility P. 39-45
Filiov V.V., Kishchak Î.A., Kishchak Yu.P., Kryvoshapka V.A. Productivity of the plum (Prunus domestica L.) cultivars and elite forms in the conditions of the Right-Bank Lisosteppe of Ukraine P. 45-51
Sobol V.À., Grynyk ².V., Êaras À.Ya. Plum (Prunus domestica L.) intense orchards in the Ukraine's Lisosteppe P. 52-65
Makarova D.G., Vasylenko V.I., Moiseichenko N.V. Weather conditions monitoring and cherry (Cerasus vulgaris L.) elite forms productivity in the Ukraine’s Western Lisosteppe P. 66-71
Kishchak Î.A., Kishchak Yu.P. Scientific achievements and realities of the sweet cherry (Cerasus avium L.) cultivation intensification at the current stage of the horticultural science development P. 71-81
Maliuk T.V., Kozlova L.V., Pcholkina N.G. Soil irrigation and mulching as an effective method of its water regime optimization in the sweet cherry (Cerasus avium Moench.) intense orchards P. 82-92
Kondratenko P.V., Aleksieieva O.M., Senin V.V., Bondarenko P.G. Yield formation of the sweet cherry (Cerasus avium L.) intensive orcards depending on interstem VSL 2 length in the Ukraine’s Southern Steppe P. 93-101
Ignatenko O.O., Moiseichenko N.V., Vasylenko V.I. Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) promise cultivars frost resistance and winter-hardiness under the conditions of the Right-Bank subzone of the Ukraine’s Western Lisosteppe P. 102-109
Vasiuta S.O., Eremin V.G., Eremin G.V., Eremina O.V. Promise stone fruit crops clonal rootstocks bred at the Krymsk Experimental Breeding Station P. 109-122
Tykhyi T.I., Burkut O.S. Adaptive potential of the hazelnut (Corylus maxima Mill.) cultivars and hybrids, inland and bred abroad in the Right-Bank Lisosteppe of Ukraine P. 122-130
Karas A.Ya. Efficiency of the substrates application in the hazelnut (Corylus maxima Mill.) mother garden of the vegetative reproduction P. 131-139
Lagutenko O.T., Kryvoshapka V.A., Grusha V.V., Denysiuk O.F. Formation of the gooseberry (Grossularia uva-crispa (L.) Mill.) plants productivity depending on the photosynthetic apparatus functional state P. 139-150
Moskalets T.Z., Grynyk I.V., Moskalets V.V., Frantsishko V.S., Frantsishko V. V., Matlai I.Y. Guelder-rose ordinary (Viburnum opulus L.) breeding study at the Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine P. 150-166
Lytovchenko O.M., Moskalets T.Z., Moskalets V.V., Vovkohon À.H. Using the fruits of the guelder-rose ordinary (Viburnum opulus L.) new genetic types in the creation of the functional assignment drinks P. 166-178
Moskalets V.V., Moskalets T.Z., Grynyk I.V., Shevchuk I.V., Pelekhatyi V.M., Pelekhata N.P., Îvezmyradova Î.B. Methods of the sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) plants evaluations concerning the pathogens resistance in the breeding on the adaptability P. 178-195
Telepenko Yu.Yu., Barabash L.O. Economic evaluation of growing new blackberry (Rubus caesius L.) cultivars under the conditions of the Western Lisosteppe of Ukraine P. 196-201
Shevel L.O., Trokhymchuk A.I., Rudnyk-Ivashchenko O.I. Results of studying the influence of the treatment with the chemical mutagens on the Ñallistephus chinensis (L.) Nees plants P. 202-212
Yezhov V.M., Dubrovskyi V.I., Ansieiev O.Yu., Olenich O.A., Zaiets V.V. Perspectives of the advanced functional using of some ornamental bushy crops P. 212-222
Odyntsova V.A. Application of phenoclimatographic models to establish the period of the greatest need for fruit plants in moisture P. 223-228
Kostenko V.M., Ivanova O.V., Ivanova I.V. Lawful regulation of the nursery branch in Ukraine P.229-240