DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2021-76-109-122
UDC 634.2:631.541.11
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st.,
e-mail: sv_vasyuta@bigmir.net
V.G. EREMIN, Doctor, Professor
G.V. EREMIN, Doctor, Academician
O.V. EREMINA, Doctor
Federal Research Centre ‘All-Russian Institute of Plants Genetic Resources’, Krymsk Experimental Breeding Station – Branch of the All-Russian Plant Growing Institute, Krymsk, Russia,
e-mail: kross67@mail.ru
The authors present data of the studying of promise stone fruit crops clonal rootstocks bread at the Krymsk FBS in the nursery and orchard. Besides, their ability of cuttings rooting, compatibility with perspective stone fruit crops cultivars were researched as well as suitability for growing in different regions of the country.
The prospect of applying industrial the intensive technologies of the sweet cherry cultivation in the south of Russia, became possible in the recent years in connection with the creation of new high-quality and productive varieties and inland low-growing clonal rootstocks, more adapted to the unfavourable environmental conditions, which often occur here.
The low-growing rootstocks obtained recently at the Krymsk FBS concerning their characteristics can compete with the well – known foreign semi-dwarf ones, such as Gizela 5, Gizela 6, Inmil, Piku 1, Piku 3, Piku 4.
The plum and peach dwarf rootstock Upriamiets as regards vigour similar to BBA 1, reduces the growth of the trees grafted on it by 50-60 %, is characterized with early maturity and compatible with all the varieties of the tested above mentioned crops.
RVL 9 is a medium-sized and Rulan 8 semi-dwarf sweet cherry rootstocks. They have a very strong root system that provides good trees anchoring in the orchard and form root sprouting when have non-considerable mechanically damage only. Sweet cherry trees on RVL 9 are by 25-30 % and on Rulan 8 35-40 % a size smaller as compared to those grafted on cherry seedlings. The fruiting begins in the third year, the yield is high.
The propagation using hard-wood cuttings, which does not require special structures, has significant advantages over others methods. It ensures the high reproduction coefficient at minimum expenditures, including manpower. Therefore just this method is the most perspective for utilizing in production.
Among the zoned sweet cherry clonal rootstocks easily propagate only VSL 2, VSL 1 and L 2 are propagated easily when hard-woody cuttings are applied. The study of RVL 9 and Rulan 8 as for their ability of reproduction using the above mentioned cuttings has shown that in this respect they are close to the control standard clonal rootstock VSL 2.
As a result of the breeding work which we have carried out, the clonal rootstocks Upriamiets, RVL 9 and Rulan 8 have been entered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements admissed for the application in Russian Federation.
Key words: rootstocks, stone fruit crops, sweet cherry, plum, reproduction, technology.
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