Economic and biological assessment of the apple hybrid offsprings in the conditions of the Right-Bank Lisosteppe OF UKRAINE
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2021-76-25-33
UDC 634.11:631.52:631.164
V.I. GOMENIUK, Research Worker
L.P. Symyrenko Research Station of Pomology, IH NAAS of Ukraine, 19511, Mliiv, Gorodyshche district, Cherkasy region,
e-mail: voloshinavarvara@ukr.net
The authors present the results of the assessment valuable economic and biological traits of the apple hybrid offspring in the right-bank part of the Western Lisosteppe of Ukraine. As a result of the multi-years breeding work conducted at the L.P. Symyrenko Institute of Pomology of NAAS (now the L.P. Symyrenko Research Station of Pomology IH NAAS of Ukraine) a number of cultivars and elite hybrid forms were selected according to the valuable economic and biological traits (yield, disease resistance, drought-resistance and winter hardiness), namely: of the autumn maturity – 9/80, 9/93, 11/1, 11557, 11/5-54, 9-8-7, 10947; winter – Myr, Debiut (11/42), 11/40, 11/47, 11/50, 12/130, 2-153-6, 10868, 11495, 11009.
During 2011-2020 two new apple cvs were created – Myr and Debiut. In 2019 the Ukrainian Institute for the Plant Variety Examination submitted documents for obtaining a patent and entry into the State Register … for the column strain Debiut. This is a cultivar of the early winter maturity, on the rootstock 54-118 begins fruit-bearing on the second year. The fruits are of the medium size, round-conical, slightly ribbed. The main coloration is yellow, integumentary – a faint pink-red blush on the sunny side with a great number of large white lentils. In the ordinary storage the apple are stored for up to 4-5 months. In 2020 this cultivar was entered into the specified register. In the same year the certificate was obtained for the cv Myr – of the winter maturity, on the rootstock M.9 begins fruitbearing in the second year. The fruits are of the medium or of the larger than average size, flattened-spherical, greenish-yellow, when ripe-yellow, with a slight light pink-red faintly blurred blush with well-defined stripes. In the ordinary storage the apples are stored until April, in the refrigerator until May-June.
Key words: apple, breeding, hybrid form, cultivar, scab, resistance, yield, taste quality
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