Economic and biological assessment of the apple hybrid offsprings in the conditions of the Right-Bank Lisosteppe OF UKRAINE

DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2021-76-25-33

UDC 634.11:631.52:631.164



V.I. GOMENIUK, Research Worker

L.P. Symyrenko Research Station of Pomology, IH NAAS of Ukraine, 19511, Mliiv, Gorodyshche district, Cherkasy region,

The authors present the results of the assessment valuable economic and biological traits of the apple hybrid offspring in the right-bank part of the Western Lisosteppe of Ukraine. As a result of the multi-years breeding work conducted at the L.P. Symyrenko Institute of Pomology of NAAS (now the L.P. Symyrenko Research Station of Pomology IH NAAS of Ukraine) a number of cultivars and elite hybrid forms were selected according to the valuable economic and biological traits (yield, disease resistance, drought-resistance and winter hardiness), namely: of the autumn maturity – 9/80, 9/93, 11/1, 11557, 11/5-54, 9-8-7, 10947; winter – Myr, Debiut (11/42), 11/40, 11/47, 11/50, 12/130, 2-153-6, 10868, 11495, 11009.

During 2011-2020 two new apple cvs were created – Myr and Debiut. In 2019 the Ukrainian Institute for the Plant Variety Examination submitted documents for obtaining a patent and entry into the State Register … for the column strain Debiut. This is a cultivar of the early winter maturity, on the rootstock 54-118 begins fruit-bearing on the second year. The fruits are of the medium size, round-conical, slightly ribbed. The main coloration is yellow, integumentary – a faint pink-red blush on the sunny side with a great number of large white lentils. In the ordinary storage the apple are stored for up to 4-5 months. In 2020 this cultivar was entered into the specified register. In the same year the certificate was obtained for the cv Myr – of the winter maturity, on the rootstock M.9 begins fruitbearing in the second year. The fruits are of the medium or of the larger than average size, flattened-spherical, greenish-yellow, when ripe-yellow, with a slight light pink-red faintly blurred blush with well-defined stripes. In the ordinary storage the apples are stored until April, in the refrigerator until May-June.

Key words: apple, breeding, hybrid form, cultivar, scab, resistance, yield, taste quality


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