Lawful regulation of the nursery branch in Ukraine
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2021-76-229-240
UDC 634.1.03
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st.,
e-mail: kvn.kostenko@ukr.net
O.V. IVANOVA, PhD, Docent
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 01003, Kyiv-03, 60, Volodymyrivska st.
I.V. IVANOVA, student
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 03040, Kyiv-40, 17, Vasylkivska
The authors have analyzed the role of the nursery practice in the agricultural economics of Ukraine. The specificity of the technologies, organizational structures has been described as well as the material means of the production of the planting stock of the fruit and small fruit crops and grape. The comprehensive enumeration of the legislative acts and normative and lawful documents has been presented with which the state regulates the economic and organizational and lawful relations in the above mentioned industries. The latest three years data have been presented concerning the state financial support of the economic agents that establish young orchards, vineyards and hop gardens.
The purpose and state have been noted of building the scientific-manufacturer biotechnological hothouse complex for the production of the high quality basic material on the basis of the principal scientific institution of the horticultural branch - Institute of Horticulture of NAAS of Ukraine.
The calculations have been presented contained in the Programmer of the Development of the Horticulture of Ukraine up to 2025 as regards the necessity of planting new orchards end small fruit plantations in order to meet the needs of the population and processing enterprises and increase the vitamin product’s export. The analysis was corried out of the indices of the energy expenditures on the establishment of a hectare of a grape plantation. The methods of the perennial crops growing reproduction have been depicted. The necessity of the transfer of the nursery, farms on the virus-free standard planting stock adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of the concrete region has been substantiated of as well as of the establishment of new parental plantation of fruit and small fruit crops and grape, creation of parental-seed and parental-cutting gardens, of parental gardens of the grapevine rootstocks and graft sticks and nurseries for manufacturing of the necessary amount of the planting stock of the modern crop and varietal composition in Ukraine. The analysis has been conducted of the changes in the legislature of Ukraine which could be useful for seed growing. The problems of the nursery sector have been determined that require solving yet at the legislative level. The concrete propositions must be presented in the form of the recurrent changes in the law of Ukraine ‘On Seeds and Planting Stock’.
Key words: branch, nursery practice, planting stock, planting trees, biotechnological complex, in vitro, law, state support.
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