Efficiency of the substrates application in the hazelnut mother garden of the vegetative reproduction
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2021-76-131-139
UDC 330.131.5:634.51:544.723.22:631.532.535
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st.,
e-mail: ayakaras@ukr.net
The author presents the results of the researches carried out during the seven year (2013-2019) period of exploiting the mother garden of the hazelnut vegetative reproduction in the vertical way (the planting plan is 1.5 x 0.3 m) with the different substrates application. The studied cultivars were Sviatkovyi, Dolynskyi, Koronchatyi and Darunok Yunnatam. The analysis of their influence on the reproductive capability of the obtained layers was conducted as well as on their quality. The data of the two-factor experiment disperse analysis show that the substrate effect on the standard layers yield is the greatest one, of cv somewhat less and of their interaction still less. The economic analysis of the data attained when using different substrates to hill up layers in the mother garden as well as of the multifunctional biological preparation Extracon makes it possible to determine the expediency and rationality of their usage. The yield of layers, including standard ones, their price cost, profit were analysed as well as the profitableness level. The estimation of the layers growing economic effectivity depending on a substrate has indicated that the total cost sum depends on its type and amount and quality of the obtained layers. The maximum price cost of the standard layers of the investigated varieties is in the control (soil –11,3-12,5 ₴) whereas when applying substrates and Extracon 5,0-7,1 ₴. The price and total cost of the standard layers depends considerably on their number. The use of the substrates and the biopreparation Extracon contributes to the profit increase by 2,3-7,9 times as compared to the control treatment. The expediency of the substrates usage has been established as well as the ability of the layers of the studied cultivars to be rooted. The most effective applied substrates have been determined. Thus the maximum economic effect has been achieved when using the mineralized peat as well as sawdust with Extracon. This enables to repay the invested costs during one exploitation year that is in 3 years after the mother garden establishment because it takes two years to establish a high quality mother garden. Besides, for the effective layers rooting the soil humidity must be kept within 70 % of the lowest field water capacity, especially during the root formation period (the second half of Auqust-September).
Key words: hazelnut, mother garden, standard layers, substrate, peat, sawdust, biopreparation Extracon, efficiency.
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