Using the fruits of the guelder-rose ordinary new genetic types in the creation of the functional assignment drinks
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2021-76-166-178
UDC 663.252
O.M. LYTOVCHENKO, Doctor, Professor
T.Z. MOSKALETS, Doctor, Docent
V.V. MOSKALETS, Doctor, Senior Research Worker, Docent
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova, st.,
e-mail: amlitovchenko@ukr.net, shunyascience@ukr.net, moskalets7819@i.ua
А.H. VOVKOHON, Doctor, Docent
Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, 09117, 8/1, Soborna sq., Bila Tserkva, Kyiv region,
e-mail: alinavovk1@ukr.net
The strategy of growing fruit crops in our country requires a revision of the food market business environment formation from the iewpoint of the population providing with biologically valuable food products and raw material for the processing and food industries, not only the gross production of separate export attractive types of fruit and small fruit products. In order to solve this proble, a special attention must be paid to the cultivation of minor fruit and small fruit crops which ensure, first of all, obtainning biologically valuable raw material as the source of making the functional assignment products. Talking into consideration all the above mentioned, the studies of the fruits of the new Viburnum opulus L. forms and cultivars were carried out in 2018-2020 at the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine concerning the biochemical indicators, suitability for processing and production of inland wines and juices for the functional assignment. It should be noted that contrary to wild forms, the new selectional forms (F 329-10-17, F 360-5-17) and varietie Uliana have a more harmonious taste and reduced bitterness, so their fruits can be eaten both as fresh, and in a processed form. The infusion of crushed mass from the fruits of Ulyana for 40 hours, followed by squeezing and adding the second fraction, infused with the apple juice in a ratio of 1:2 at a temperature of 80 ºC, with the further squeezing and gradual addition of sugar appeared cause the growth of the phenolic compounds amount to 2800 mg/dm3 and of acidity to some extent the point value being high (8.0 points). In order to balance the alcohol content and acidity of wine materials and increase their tasting evaluation, it is advisable to use gradually honey instead of sugar. That will raise the tasting evaluation to 8+ points. The infusion of crushed mass from the berries of the selectional forms F 329-10-17 and 360-6-17 for 40 hours the with further squeezing and adding the second fraction, infused with the apple juice in a ratio of 1:2 at a temperature of 80 ºC followed by squeezing and gradual addition of honey proved to bring about the formation of the satisfactory physical and technological parameters, namely: ruby-bright colour, typical rich aroma and pure pleasant and asringent taste.
The obtained results made it possible to differentiate the varieties and forms as for the indices of the aroma-formational complex of soft drinks and the of their fruits favourability for processing and making functional food products. Among these genotypes, the variety Uliana and forms, F 329-10-17 and F 360-5-17 were selected that became the prerequisite for the development and improvement of the methods of producting of functional assignment drinks.
Key words: European cranberrybush, new varieties and forms, fruits, processing, technology of manufacturing, functional assignment drinks.
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