Formation of the gooseberry plants productivity depending on the photosynthetic apparatus functional state
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2021-76-139-150
UDC 634.7:581.132:58.035.7
M.P. Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, 9, Pyrogov st.,
e-mail: lagytenkoot@ukr.net
O.F. DENYSIUK, Leading Engineer
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st.,
е -mail: v.kryvoshapka@ukr.net
The authors present the results of determining the functional state of the four gooseberry cultivars (Izumrud, Bezshypnyi, Neslukhivskyi and Krasen) plants leaves indices dynamics during the vegetation period applying the chlorophyll fluorescence induction and establishment of the correlations between the photosynthesis intensity and primary crop. Researched cvs differ concerning the genetic origin, usage, are characterized with different ripening rates, resistance to diseases and negative environmental factors. The laboratory study of the chlorophyll fluorescence induction change in the leaves was carried out in the Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Microbiology of the Institute of Horticulture of NAAS of Ukraine using the portable fluorometer "Floratest". The data of the investigation prove that the plants of the varieties Neslukhivskyi and Izumrud have higher photosynthetic potential and are more adaptive to the negative environmental conditions. The high primary fluorescence intensity level as well as higher indexes of the maximum fluorescence and stationary level indicate greater energy losses when it migrates to the reactionary centres. This means that the pigment complex includes more chlorophyll molecules which are not connected with the reactionary centres and do not take part in the charge division. These indices indicate the high potential productivity of the plants of the cultivars Neslukhivskyi and Izumrud that reflect themselves on the Kautsky induction curve. Suppose, those cvs can be potential source of the higher photosynthetic apparatus productivity. Under the similar soil and climatic conditions the Neslukhivskyi plants prove to be more productive as compared to the rest of the studied varieties.
The correlation analysis has proved that the productivity of the explored cultivars is effected most considerably by the fluorescence background level indicator and coefficient of correlation between the rising and variable fluorescence. The photosynthetic activity determines the biological productivity and shows the crop potential abilities as regards the harvest formation, therefore the correlation between the leaves chlorophyll fluorescence induction indices and gooseberry yield which we have revealed enables to recommend ‘Izumrud’ and ‘Neslukhivskyi’ for the wide use in the industrial small fruit growing.
Key words: photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence, gooseberry, cultivar, productivity.
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