Horticulture N 67
No 67
Grynyk I.V., Bublyk M.O., Udovychenko V.M., Fryzyuk L.A. Scientific fundamentals of the production of the sanitated fruit and small fruit crops planting stock
Adamyen F.F., Plugatar Yu. V., Stashkina A.F. Present day state and perspectives of the fruit growing development in Crimea
Breeding and strain investigation
Mykychuk O.I., Bublyk M.O. Drought resistance and yield of the pear (Pirus communis L.) cultivars in the Prykarpattya and Naddnistryanshchyna
Kondratenko T.Y., Gavruk T.D. The best apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars bred in Mliiv
Potanin D.V., Kashirina D.A. Studying of the adaptability of the new apple (Malus domestiña Borkí.) winter cultivars bred in ukraine in the foothill Crimea
Vasilyeva M.N. Economic value of the plum diploid cultivars (collection of the Institute of Fruit Growing)
Yakhymovych O.V., Yakhymovych L.B. Productional testing of the best raspberry (Rubus L.) inland and introduced cultivars in the Ukraine`s Eastern Lisosteppe
Maidebura V.I., Grynyk I.V., Moiseichenko N.V., Sobol’ V.A., Makarova D.G., Kishchak H.A., Babina R.D. Growth and fruitbearing of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) on clonal rootstocks in the conditions of Prysyvashshya
Dyadchenko D. O. Reasearching the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) vegetative rootstocks of the Ukrainian breeding
Babina R.D., Khoruzhy P.G., Lyapugin I.V. Yield and quality of fruits of pear (Pirus communis L.) on the quince (Cydonia sp.) clonal and seed rootstocks
Lyapugin I.V. Estimation of pear (Pirus communis L.) cultivar-rootstock combinations under the conditions of the foothill of Crimea
Nursery practice
Maidebura V.I., Grynyk I.V., Knyga M.M., Moiseichenko N.V., Sobol V.A., Makarova D.G., Kishchak H.A., Babina R.D. Growing true-rooted planting trees of stone fruit crops
Yeryomin G.V., Yeryomin V.G., Vasyuta S.A. Kuban’86 as a perspective clonal roots-tock for stone fruit crops
Kondratenko P.V. Actual problems of producing strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) sound planting stock
Kucher L.I., Kucher R.A. Parameters of the root system of the pear (Pirus communis L.) low hybrids seedlings depending on the seed sowing terms
Kremenchuk R.I. Intensivity of lighting of trees of various sweet cherry(Cerasus avium Moench.) cultivar – rootstock combinations
Gybalo V. M., Tykhy Ò. ². Influence of preparation terms, metamerism and growth re-gulating substancies on root formation and development of actinidia (Actinidia sp.) soft cuttings
Orchards technologies
Babintseva N.A. Nature of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees growth and fruitbearing in Crimea depending on the pruning terms
Ripamel’nyk V. P., Borodai O. Y. Affection of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) new cultivars and hybrid forms by powder mildew and scab depending on weather and agro-technical conditions
Nastalenko I. P. Field evaluation of pear (Pirus communis L.) varieties resistance against main diseases and pests in the Podillya
Stranishyevskaya H.P., Shadura N.I. Efficiency of the incecticide Spintor 240 SC against Cherry Fruit Flu (Rhagoletis cerasi L.) on sweet cherry (Cerasus avium Moench.) and cherry (Cerasus vulgaris Mill.)
Kava L.P. Control over the strawberry mite
Grechkovskyi D. I., Rudnik-Ivashchenko O. I. Effect of the fertilizing doses and ways on the efficiency of the apple (Malus domestica Borkí.) fruits growing on the grey forest soil
Maidebura V.I., Grynyk I.V., Moiseichenko N.V., Sobol V.A., Makarova D.G., Kishchak H.A., Babina R.D. Favourability of main soils in the Northern Steppe of Crimea for growing fruit crops
Microbiology, virology, mechanization, economics
Patyka T.I., Patyka M.V., Êiòàev Î.²., Goncharuk J.D. Optimization of the technologies for the development and application of the microbiological preparations of the phytoprotective action based on the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis
Tryapitsyna N.V., Yareshchenko O.M., Medvedyeva T.V., Udovychenko Ê.M., Lushpigan O.P., Suprun K.I. The dominant viruses in bushy small fruit crops patches
Tymoshok I.V., Barabash L.O., Fryzyuk L.A. Mechanization of fruit crops intense orchards planting
Salo I.A. Efficiency of the fruits production by horticultural enterprises of different types in Ukraine
Sotnik A.I. Influence of cultivar-rootstock combinations on the peach (Persica vulgaris Mill.) fruits quality
Tankevich V.V. Assessment of the quality of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) promising cultivar-rootstock combinations fruits in Crimea
History of the Ukrainian horticulture
Lazorenko J.I. The unforgettable Symyrenkos