Economic value of the plum diploid cultivars (collection of the Institute of Fruit Growing)
UDK 634.226: 631.527
Economic value of the plum diploid cultivars (collection of the Institute of Fruit Growing) / Vasilyeva M.N. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2013. – 67. – P. 43-51. – Refs.: 5 . – in Russian
The author presents the main results of estimating the economic value of 22 plum diploid of different geographical origin (‘Alyonushka’, ‘Asaloda’, ‘Vetraz’, ‘Vit’ba’, ‘General’, ‘Globus’, ‘Zhyemchuzhina’, ‘Zlato skifov’, ‘Zolushka’, ‘Komyeta Kubanskaya’, ‘Krasa Orlovshchiny’, ‘’Lama, ‘Lodva’, ‘Mara’, ‘Nyezhyenka’, ‘Nyesmyeyana’, ‘Pramyen’, ‘Putyeshyestvyennitsa’, ‘Skoroplodnaya’, ‘Sonyeika’, ‘Tetyana’, ‘Tharskaya’) and 3 perspective hybrids: 90-2/67 (‘Vetraz’ õ a mix of plum diploid pollen), 89-1/109 (78-3/107 (‘Skoroplodnaya’ × ‘Superior’) × ‘Mara’, 84-14/11 (‘Putyeshyestvyennitsa’ õ 78-3/107 (‘Skoroplodnaya’ × ‘Superior’). The cultivars and hybrids forms have been selected for the further breeding on winter hardiness, disease resistance and fruit quality.