Estimation of the fungicides toxicity against the pathogene of the strawberry common leaf spot
UDC 632.952:632.4:634.75
Estimation of the fungicides toxicity against the pathogene of the strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) common leaf spot / Rusin O.O. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2013. – 67. – P. 162-167. – Refs.: 17 . – in Ukrainian
Lately the strawberry common leaf spot has attained significant spread and development. Chemical protection of plantations with the use of fungicides of new generation is not always efficient as sensitivity of the pathogene to the used fungicides is not investigated.
The author presents the results of studying the preparation fungitoxicity against the above mentioned disease pathogen. 10 fungicides have been researched with various active ingredients (a.i.) which refer to different chemical classes in the concentrations 0.0001 – 0.1% of a.i. The pathogen conidies germination has been inhibited most efficiently by the copperbearing preparations Blue Bordo, 77% WG, Medyan Extra, 35% CS, and also Merpan, 80% WG. The other fungicides in the determined concentrations have appeared less fungitoxical to the fungus Ramularia tulasnei Sacc.
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