Yield and quality of fruits of pear on the quince clonal and seed rootstocks
UDC 634.13:631.541.11:631.599
Yield and quality of fruits of pear (Pirus communis L.) on the quince (Cydonia Sp.) clonal and seed rootstocks / Babina R.D., Khoruzhy P.G., Lyapugin I.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2013. – 67. – P. 79-84. – Refs.: 5 . – in Ukrainian.
The authors have elucidated the results of studying pear cultivars on quince clonal and seed rootstocks as concerns crown size, terms of the fruit - bearing beginning, yield and fruits quality and selected cvs for intense farm orchards according to the complex of valuable characteristics.
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