Growth and fruitbearing of apple on clonal rootstocks in the conditions of Prysyvashshya
UDC 631.53.03:631.55
Growth and fruitbearing of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) on clonal rootstocks in the conditions of Prysyvashshya / Maidebura V.I., Grynyk I.V., Moiseichenko N.V., Sobol V.A., Makarova D.G., Kishchak H.A., Babina R.D. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2013. – 67. – P. 61-70. – Refs.: 8. – in Ukrainian.
Progressive technologies for the cultivation of apple on clonal rootstocks have been elaborated for the Prysyvashshya (Crimea).
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