Horticulture N 65
No 65
Grynyk I.V., Omelchenko I.K., Lytovchenko O.M. Ways of solving problems in the development of horticulture in Ukraine
Breeding and strain investigation
Sotniê A.I., Tankevich V.V. Peach (Prunus persica (L.) Bàòch) cultivation in Cr³mea
Pavluk V.V., Chmykh S.V., Pryimachuk L.S., Filyov V.V., Pavluk N.V. Estimation of the strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) assortment in Ukraine (2012)
Pryimachuk L.S., Pryimachuk Ì.Ì. Evaluation of the blañk currant (Ribes nigrum L.) varieties under the conditions of the western Lisosteppe of Ukraine
Gybalo V.M., Moskalenko N.A. Possibilities of tse hazelnut (Corylus pontica L.) assortment increase in Ukraine
Nursery practice
Sobol V.A., Sukhoivan O.M., Maidebura V.I. Analysis of the results of studying apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) and pear (Pirus communis L.) rootstocks in an orchard and nursery
Makarova D.G., Maidebura V.I. Formation of the production elements of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) grafted trees
Grynyk I.V., Matviyenko M.V., Bublyk Ì.Î. Establishment of energy saving ecologically directed intense apple (Malus domestica Borkh.), pear (Pirus communis L.), cherry (Cerasus vulgaris Mill.), sweet cherry (Cerasus avium Moench.) ohchards on seed rootstocks (conception)
Chygryn N.F. Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) clonal rootstocks in an orchard in the Donbas
Lyapugin I.V. Agrobiological assessment of pear (Pirus communis L.) clonal rootstocks in a mother plantation in the southern Ukraine
Kishchak H.A. Ways of increasing the productivity of the vegetatively propagated rootstock VSL-2 papental gardens
Barabash T.M. Clonal rootstock insertions impact on the sweet cherry trees (Cerasus avium Moench.) vigour and productivity
Àgrotechnics, plant protection, agrochemistry, irrigation
Kuyan V.G., Pelekhaty V.M. Productivity of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) palmette orchards in different age periods in the north-western part of Ukraine’s Lisosteppe
Kalenych F.S. Effectivity of ecologically safe means against apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) scab (Venturia inaequalis (Cke) Wint.)
Nagorna L.V. Fungicide Signum application against stone fruit cpors diseases
Vasylenko V.I., Moiseichenko N.V. New cherry (Cerasus vulgaris Mill.) cultivars resistance to diseases spread in the Lisosteppe of Ukraine
Drozda V.F., Kocherga M.O. Objective laws of functioning and control over the number of anthropodas in black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) according to the organic farming technologies
Borodai O.Y., Petrenko N.O. Fertilizers effect on the growth and productivity of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) plantations on the rootstock MM. 106 in Podillya
Voloshyna V.V. Mulching as the main agrotechnical means of increasing the apple (Malus domestiña Borkh.) planting stock quality
Matviyets O.M. Irrigation regime in intense apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) orchards of the Trancarpathian lowland zone
Storage of fruits and small fruits
Shevchuk L.M. Substantiation of the strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) fruits marketability
Dzhurenko N.I., Palamarchuk O.P., Skrypchenko N.V., Savaskul N.P. Reseaching biologically active substances in fruits and leaves of the genus Rubus representatives
Drought-resistance, virology, ecologi
Kryvoshapka V.A. Diagnosis of the plants functional state in connection with their resistance to drought and high temperatures
Taranukho J.M., Taranukho M.P. Diagnostic evaluation of black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) varieties resistance to blackcurrant reversion virus
Kryvoshapka V.A., Kitaev O.I., Shevel L.O., Kondratenko V.V. Estimation of the aster (Callistephus chinensis Nees.) cultivars and hybrids drought resistance
Tryapitsyna N.V., Medvedyeva T.V. Method of the control over the virus coat protein concentration at different chemotherapy stages in vitro
Lagutenko Î.Ò., Zagorodnya T.O. Weather-climatic factors effect on the formation of the gooseberry (Grossularia reclinata L.) productivity in the northern part of the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe
Sokolov V.O., Bublyk M.O., Frizyuk L.A. Researching the peculiarities of the construction of agroameliorative rippers by analysing patented developments
Pryvalov I.S., Petrenko S.O., Sokolov V.O., Vedmid D.M. Tendencies in the improvement of the technique for the flow-line fruit harvesting in intense orchards
Sokolov V.O., Pryvalov I.S., Petrenko S.O. Methods of the utilization of the branches cuò from fruit trees developed as a result of researches
History of the Ukrainian horticulture
Grynyk I.V., Omelchenko I.K., Kondratenko P.V. Ukrainian horticulture in the years 1945-1960