Mulching as the main agrotechnical means of increasing the apple planting stock quality
UDC 631.548.2.422
Mulching as the main agrotechnical means of increasing the apple (Malus domestiña Borkh.) planting stock quality / Voloshyna V.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2012. – 65. – P. 168-174. – Refs.: 6. – in Ukrainian
The author presents the results of studying the soil mulching influence in a nursery on the apple planting trees quality indexes. It is mulching with humus (0.5 of soil layer) + sawdust (0.5 of layer) as well as with peat (0.5 of layer) + sawdust (0.5 of layer) which appeared to make the greatest contribution into the improvement of the apple planting stock quality.
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