Objective laws of functioning and control over the number of arthropoda in black currant patches according to the organic horticulture technologies
UDC 682.7.72:632.937.32
Objective laws of functioning and control over the number of arthropoda in black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) patches according to the organic horticulture technologies / Drozda V.F., Kocherga M.O. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2012. – 65. – P. 143-151. – Refs.: 23. – in Ukrainian
The principles of the arthropoda functioning in black currant patches were proposed on the basis of estimating their vital strategies. The technologies of the control over the phytophages number in the organic farming system anticipate the creation of agrocenoses ecologically resistant to stress factors effect. It is achieved by stimulating mechanisms of countercoupling with the use of biological methods.
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