Estimation of the aster cultivars and hybrids drought resistance
UDC 582.998.16: 632.112
Estimation of the aster (Callistephus chinensis Nees.) cultivars and hybrids drought resistance / Kryvochapka V.A., Kitaev O.I., Shevel L.O., Kondratenko V.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2012. – 65. – P. 209-215. – Refs.: 15. – in Ukrainian
The estimation of the Ukrainian aster (Callistephus chinensis Nees.) 12 cultivars and hybrids drought resistance was carried out taking into consideration the change of leaves electrophysical properties. Under the complex of indexes the cvs ‘Bouquet Crimson’, ‘Roksolana’ and ‘Rubinovyye Zvyozdy’ have been selected as the most resistant ones.
1 Tabl., 1 Fig.