Establishment of energy saving ecologically directed intense apple, pear, cherry, sweet cherry orchards on seed rootstocks
UDC 631.583:634.1:634.2:504
Establishment of energy saving ecologically directed intense apple (Malus domestica Borkh.), pear (Pirus communis L.), cherry (Cerasus vulgaris Mill.), sweet cherry (Cerasus avium Moench.) orchards on seed rootstocks (conception) / Grynyk I.V., Matviyenko M.V., Bublyk Ì.Î. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2012. – 65. – P. 69-72. – Refs.: 5. – in Ukrainian
The authors propose the technology for the creation of modern energy-saving and ecologically directed industrial pome – and stone fruit orchards on seed rootstocks. They will substitute the now existing energy – expendable and non – sufficiently ecologically safe ones.