Agrobiological assessment of pear clonal rootstocks in a mother plantation in the Southern Ukraine
UDC 631.541.11:634.13
Agrobiological assessment of pear (Pirus communis L.) clonal rootstocks in a mother plantation in the Southern Ukraine / Lyapugin I.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2012. – 65. – P. 78-83. – Refs.: 4. – in Ukrainian
One of the ways of increasing the pear orchards efficiency is introduction of low-holed rootstocks with high adaptability to the conditions of the cultivation zone. At the Crimean Research Station of IH NAAS new low-hold clonal stocks are obtained adapted to the conditions of the Southern Ukraine and suitable for the intense orchards establishment. The characteristics of these rootstocks is presented.
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