The influence of stimulants on the rooting of mulberry cuttings
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2023-78-134-138
UDC: 630*232.1:674.031·635.3
A.V. HAIEVSKYI, Post Graduate Student
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova str., e-mail: bigcare@ukr.net
The results of research on the effect of rooting stimulants for obtaining the maximum number of healthy, rooted cuttings from mulberry plants with a well-developed root system are highlighted. Two types of cuttings were used in the experiment - green and semi-woody. Of the six variants of biologically active substances used: β-indolylbutyric acid, Stimpo, Radifarm, Kornevin, Klonex, Klonex and Radifarm proved to be the most effective, the lowest results on the rooting of mulberry cuttings were on the variant with the use of Stimpo. Varietal dependence of mulberry plants on the reaction to the use of biologically active substances both on the rooting of cuttings and on the development of the root system in further cultivation was revealed. The highest percentage of rooted cuttings was recorded from the Istanbul rose variety with the use of Radifarm - 87.5 % (semi-woody cuttings); in the Krupnoplidna variety on the version with IMC - 97.5 % with similar cuttings. In summary, the cuttings of both types of the Istanbul rose variety provided the highest yield of rooted cuttings with the use of the Klonex drug 161.3 %, which is 41.0 % more than the effect of the Stimpo drug. In almost all variants of the experiment, the root system of plants developed more powerfully in the Istanbul rose variety on semi-woody cuttings, while in the Krupnoplidna variety on green ones. It was established that the vegetative propagation of mulberry plants by green and semi-woody cuttings is effective for gardening in seasonal greenhouses on a substrate of a mixture of peat (pH 6.9) and perlite in a ratio of 3:2. The cassettes used in the experiments provided the possibility of effective use of the area of the complex and their multiple uses throughout the season, which, in combination with shallow sprinkler irrigation systems, contributed to an increase in the yield of planting material per unit area. According to the results of research, no advantages were noted in terms of rooting indicators of cuttings harvested in different periods of organogenesis.
Key words: Morus alba L., cuttings, rooting agent, variety, rhizogenerative ability, root system.
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