The effectiveness of using herbicides in the nursery when growing seedlings of fruit crops
UDC 634.1 (037): 631.527.5: 631.535
D.Yu. NATALCHUK, Research Worker
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine,03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova str., e-mail: rozsadnyky.is@ukr.net
The results of research on the effectiveness of the use of soil and contact herbicides when growing one-year seedlings in the second field of the nursery are presented.
When growing apple seedlings, a positive result was obtained on average over the years of research with the application of soil pesticides Lumax and Zenkor, especially with additional application during the growing season of contact – Fusilada or Targa super. In some years, a good result was also obtained when Stomp and Devrinol were applied, while in others, the suppression of planting material was noted.
Practically similar results were obtained when they were introduced in the process of growing plum seedlings. It is also worth noting Lumax, when applying which the diameter of the stem (by 2-6 mm), the height of the seedlings (by 40-60 cm) were greater than in other options with the optimal number of side branches (4-6 pcs.) and their average length (40-80 cm). Plum seedlings were depressed when Devrinol, Zenkor and Gezagard were applied, and in a separate year, Stompa and Dual Gold.
In studies with cherry seedlings, they had active growth when applying soil herbicides Gezagard and Zenkor, as well as when combining the former with contact Fuzilad and Targa Super. Seedlings were significantly suppressed when applying other studied herbicides, especially Dual Gold, both alone and in combination with contact herbicides, while the number of branched seedlings decreased.
Most herbicides did not have a negative effect on the biometric indicators of cherry seedlings. slight inhibition of growth and the number of side branches was noted when Stomp and Dual Gold were applied. In advance, it is possible to highlight the application of Devrinol, Zencor and Lumax separately without combining with the application of contact herbicides.
Key words: seedlings, apple, plum, cherry, sweet cherry, soil herbicides, contact herbicides, biometric indicators.
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