UDC 631.165:634.1/7
L.A. KOSTYUK, PhD, Senior Research Worker
L.P. Symyrenko Research Station of Pomology of IH of NAAS of Ukraine, 19511, Mliiv, Cherkasy region, Cherkasy district, e-mail: mliivis@ukr.net
The substantiation of the methodology for assessing the sustainable development of horticulture is presented and its model is proposed. Research in the context of a systemic approach allows us to define the sustainable development of the horticulture industry as a state of its economy that ensures sustainable reproduction of the industry's production potential, the goal of which is to satisfy the demand for fruit and berry products, improve the quality of life of the population and environmental safety. Intensification of horticulture on an innovative basis is an irreplaceable direction of its sustainable and stable development. The creation of highly productive gardens and their effective use based on the principles of environmental sustainability is impossible without consistent improvement of equipment, technology and organization of production. Thus, the sustainable development of the industry as an economic system is possible under the condition of maximizing the innovation factor and sufficient investment support for the reproduction of the production base.
To formalize the model for assessing the stability/sustainability of the development of the horticulture industry, it is advisable to use the following criteria, indicators and indices (in statics and dynamics):
gross collection of fruit and berry products, thousand tons; area of perennial plantations, thousand hectares; productivity of fruit and berry plantations, t/ha; production profitability level, %; production of fruits and berries per person, kg (self-sufficiency level); production of planting material, thousands of pieces; planting area, thousands of hectares; number of investments in the industry, UAH million; the number of completed scientific and scientific and technical works in the field of horticulture; the number of implemented innovative developments.
As general indicators of the sustainability of the industry development, it is proposed to use the rate (coefficient) of growth (Tzr) - the ratio of two levels, one of which is taken as a basis for comparison, for the specified indicators (criteria) and the integral indicator the coefficient of sustainability (Ks) - as a product of the indexes of these same indicators.
Key words: horticulture, sustainable development, criteria, assessment, indicators, model.
Список використаної літератури
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