Results of formation of Viburnum opulus L. gene fund for priority directions of breeding in the fruit growing and decorative horticulture system
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2023-78-55-68
UDC 631.5:634.74
T.Z. MOSKALETS, Doctor, Professor
V.V. MOSKALETS, Doctor, Senior Research Worker, Docent
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova, st.,
e-mail: moskalets7819@i.ua, shunyascience@ukr.net
Every year there is a growing interest in the purposeful collection and management of collections of fruit and berry plants that are not common in culture, as well as wild edible species. This should be seen as an important link in the conservation of their gene pool in situ, as there is evidence that such species are usually more difficult to conserve ex situ than leading food or forage crops. Many important agricultural species do not produce seeds that can be stored ex situ, and conservation of the gene pool of such plants is still not receiving sufficient attention. Among these cultures, a special place is occupied by Viburnum opulus L. culture.
The goal of our research was the formation of a working collection of the Viburnum opulus L. as a source of implementation of priority areas of selection.
The genetic fund of Ukraine was replenished with new samples of Viburnum opulus L.: Gorikhova (UN9400046), Osinnia (UN9400054), Sonetta (UN9400050), Plododekorna (UN9400051), Omriiana (UN9400048), Kralechka (UN9400047). Compared to the best varieties, they are characterized by high productivity, yield and quality of fruits, resistance to adverse environmental factors, which is important for the formation of plantations of rare crops in the system of fruit growing.
The evaluation of Viburnum opulus L. genotypes by the level of expression of economically valuable traits was improved, and the evaluation of new Viburnum opulus L. samples by the level of expression of traits was carried out in comparison with the best varieties (forms) of the breeding of the Institute of Horticulture of the NAAS and its scientific network.
The evaluation of new samples of Viburnum opulus L. was carried out for decorativeness, taking into account the architecture of the crown, the color of leaves, the decorativeness of inflorescences, flowers and fruits, the color of the bark of branches and shoots. It was found that among the new samples, Plododekorna form is characterized by high decorativeness (4.9 points), Osinnia, Omriiana, Kralechka, Sonetta and Gorikhova were characterized by sufficient decorativeness with a decorativeness score of 3.1-4.
Key words: Viburnum opulus L., new breeding forms and varieties, economically valuable traits, decorativeness.
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