Resistance of domestic and foreign breeding apricot varieties to Monilia Cinerea Bonord in Western Lisosteppe of Ukraine
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2023-78-87-93
UDC 634.21:631.526.32:616.03:477.41
O.O. IGNATENKO, Junior Research Worker
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 23, Sadova Str., Kyiv-27, 03027
e-mail: olga-s-l@ukr.net
On the plantation of the Institute of Horticulture of NAAS, varietal research is being conducted on 21 promising apricot varieties of domestic and foreign selection based on a complex of economic and valuable traits. One of the main directions of which is the selection of varieties resistant to fungal diseases. Monilia Cinerea Bonord is the most widespread and harmful pathogen among stone crops, which negatively affects the growth and development of trees and their future harvest. The penetration of pathogenic fungi primarily occurs in the spring in cool and rainy weather during the flowering period of apricot trees. Through the flowers, the disease enters the receptacle of the pistil, then penetrates into the tissues where their growth occurs, which provokes the wilting of inflorescences and even shoots. In order to determine the impact of the pathogen Monilia Cinerea Bonord on varieties, research was conducted in the spring period of 2021-2023. The plantations presented in the work differed in age and planting scheme (2016, 2018 and 2019 years of planting according to the scheme of 5 x 3 and 5 x 2.5 m, on the rootstock of wild cherry). The years of research differed in epiphytocity. Thus, in 2021, tree damage ranged from 0.5 (Siaivo) to 6.5 (Zaporozhents, Faralia) points. The Gold rich variety suffered the greatest damage this year, all of whose trees were completely destroyed by this disease, which indicates its high sensitivity to the pathogen and characterizes it as unsuitable for industrial and home cultivation in the Western Lisosteppe of Ukraine. 2022 was not an epiphytic year, which allowed the trees to enter the period of mass fruiting, which was confirmed by a yield from 1.4 (Kostinskyi) to 5.5 t/ha (Melitopolskyi rannii). The year 2023 was characterized by the most epiphytotic year, which negatively affected the yield of apricot varieties, which was almost destroyed by the disease. Over the course of three years of research, the most resistant to the pathogen were the late maturing varieties, namely Siaivo, Robada and Shalah, which is entirely due to their genetic characteristics.
Key words: apricot, variety, pathogen, moniliosis, disease, damage, damage, resistance, harvest, plantation.
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