Propagation and rooting of rootstocks for plum group crops in vitro
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2023-78-120-127
UDC 634.20:631.541.11
Y.S. ZAPOLSKY, Junior Research Worker
Institute of Horticulture (NAAS of Ukraine), 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: nadiiayaremko@gmail.com
Stone crops of the plum group are one of the important economic crops in horticulture of Ukraine. Cultivation of plum, myrabolan, peach and apricot fruit trees is a high-tech process that demands use of planting material based on clonal rootstocks. The rootstock should be characterized by good compatibility with various varieties, ensure uniformity in the garden, appropriate vigor strength, early fruit bearing, high resistance to biotic and abiotic factors etc. Traditional propagation of Prunus spp. is time-consuming and limited by a short growing season and harsh winter conditions. Rootstocks Wavit and Myrabolan 29C have prospects for use in horticulture in Ukraine, so our objective was to optimize their micropropagation technology. The optimal composition of the nutrient medium for micropropagation of two clonal rootstocks of the plum group was established, the influence of different cytokinin concentrations on proliferation of these rootstocks was investigated. The highest coefficients of shoot formation for rootstocks Myrabolan 29C and Wavit were obtained on media MS with 1 mg/l BAP and QL with 1.5 mg/l BAP, respectively. The effect of different concentrations of auxin on the rhizogenesis process was also studied. The optimized medium for rooting of Myrabolan 29C was ½ MS in combination with 1.0 mg/l IBA, which ensured rooting of 90 % of microshoots with well-developed roots, it is also possible to use MS medium with 0.75 mg/l NAA, which provides 100 % of rooted microshoots, but the development of the root system is weaker. The best auxin for Wavit was naphthylacetic acid, but its effect needs to be further investigated.
Key words: rootstock, stone crops, propagation, rooting, cytokinin, auxin, medium.
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