New prospective varieties of gooseberry selected by the Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2023-78-45-49
UDC 631.526.32:634.725:631.527
O.P. LUSHPIGAN, Senior Research Worker
S.V. MARTYNENKO, Junior Research Worker
E.V. MARTYNENKO, Research Worker
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova, e-mail: Olyalushpigan@ukr.net
The results of gooseberry selection work in IS NAAS are presented. The described varieties are entered in the "State Register of Varieties…". All studied varieties have different colors, from white, white-yellow green to red and purple, different ripening periods from very early to late, high taste and marketable qualities. At the same time, modern climatic risks, which increase the abiotic impact on garden crops, in particular gooseberries, and lead to a decrease in productivity, require constant updating of the assortment with a higher adaptability to adverse growing conditions without loss in economic productivity. A relevant and effective measure to solve this problem is scientifically based selection and creation of gooseberry varieties with high profitability of this crop/ The described varieties are included in the "State Register of Varieties..." and are undergoing the last stages of field research for distinction, uniformity and stability. All varieties are highly transportable, universal purpose. The described varieties of gooseberry are suitable for creating intensive, energy-saving plantations of ecological direction. They can also be used in selection work as a source of specific economically valuable traits, namely: different ripening periods, different colors, high yield, resistance to fungal diseases, and high taste and marketable characteristics.
Key words: gooseberry, variety, productivity, selection, resistance, fruits, bran.
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