Mineral composition of Actinidia arguta in the conditions of the Northern Steppe on the Black Sea coast
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2023-78-103-110
UDC 634.737:581
M.М. TSANDUR, Post Graduate Student
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., е-mail: rudnik2015@ukr.net
Accumulation of concentrations of micro- and macroelements in Actinidia arguta fruits in the conditions of the Northern Steppe of the Black Sea Coast region is shown. The value of their variability by years of growth and development and the dependence on the genotype was determined, which was the purpose of the study. The objects of the research were three domestic varieties of Actinidia arguta: Kyivska hybridna, Kyivska krupnoplidna, Veresneva and two French selections: Isai and Taxi during three years of cultivation (2020-2022) on the experimental field of LLC "Black Sea Alliance" of Biliaiv district, Odesa region. It was established that the macro- and microelements in actinidia fruits on average over three years are distributed in the following order: K (17.49) > N (9.68) > Zn (8.60) > Ca (3.95) > P ( 3.23) > Cu (2.36) Mg (0.70) > Na (0.66 g/kg of dry matter). The research results indicate a significant influence of growing conditions, soil fertility, and fertilizer application on the level of element content in fruits. The highest concentration of nitrogen – 11.39, calcium – 4.96, phosphorus – 3.81, magnesium – 0.77 and copper – 2.94 g/kg of dry matter is found in the fruits of actinidia of the Veresneva variety, the highest amount of potassium is accumulated in the fruits of the Taxa variety – 20.00 g/kg and zinc – 11.95 mg/kg of dry matter, and their lowest content is in the Isai variety (from 13.08 g/kg to 5.18 mg/kg of dry matter). The most favorable year for the formation of high-quality fruits of the crop was 2022, which indicates the direct dependence of weather conditions on the development of plants. Fruits of all varieties in the experiment accumulated a low amount of sodium, which cannot negatively affect the human body in fresh form. The content of mineral substances in fruits does not depend on their content in the soil. The research results showed the possibility of successful introduction of actinidia in the conditions of the Northern Steppe of the Black Sea Coast.
Key words: Actinidia arguta, macro- and microelements, genetic variability.
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