Justification of the design and technological parameters of the machine for digging fruit crop seedlings
UDC 634.1-13
I.V. TYMOSHOK, Yu.P. KORNUTA, PhDs, Senior Research Workers
V.O. SOKOLOV, Senior Research Worker
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: sad-institut@ukr.net
The object of the study is the process of performing a technological operation related to the digging of seedlings grown on vegetative rootstocks in the nursery.
The purpose of the work is to reduce energy consumption, increase the productivity and quality of the technological operation of digging up seedlings in the nursery grown on vegetative rootstocks by developing a prototype digging plow with better characteristics compared to the existing ones.
Research methods - modeling, experiment, analysis, synthesis.
As a result of the conducted research, the current state of existing mechanization was analyzed, a technical task was developed for the development of design documentation, design documentation was developed, and a prototype machine for digging seedlings grown on vegetative rootstocks in the nursery was made.
The machine is made in a mounted version. Its main structural elements are: a frame, a working body, support wheels and a mechanism for bringing the shaker into oscillating motion. The weight of the machine is about 0.45 tons.
The introduction of the developed machine will increase the productivity and efficiency of the technological operation, which will help reduce the cost of production.
Research results can be used by both specialized horticultural farms and machine-building enterprises.
Key words: digging clamp, soil, separator, oscillation amplitude, frequency, crank, nursery.
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