Influence of soil and climate conditions on yield strawberry
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2023-78-26-31
UDC 634.75
N.M. BOLOBON, Junior Researcher
Sumy Research Station of Horticulture, IH of the NAAS of Ukraine,
41612, Sumy region, Konotop district, Maly Sambir, 1A, Tsentralna str., e-mail: sumy_dss@ukr.net
Modern climate changes pose new challenges to scientists. Dry springs and low-snow winters negatively affect the development and fruiting of berry crops. Therefore, the breeding of new strawberry varieties, favorable to the new climatic conditions, is timely. On the basis of the Sumy Research Station of Horticulture, the factors that positively affect the development and fruiting of garden strawberries, in particular soil and climatic factors, were studied. Of the climatic factors for berry crops, the most important are heat and moisture supply during the growing season, overwintering conditions, harsh temperature fluctuations in summer and winter, low minimum temperatures, spring frosts and their frequency of recurrence and droughts, as well as soil conditions, which are harmful to fruit crops. To avoid diseases of the root system, it is recommended to avoid heavy clay soils. In conditions of high humidity and poor air access, plants are more vulnerable. Even if it rains, strawberries need watering during the phases of flowering, crop formation, berry picking and bud differentiation. The conducted phenological observations of the studied strawberry varieties showed that the beginning of flowering and ripeness of the varieties ‘Rosana Kyivska’, ‘Olvia’ depend on the beginning of the vegetation period. The yield was determined by weighing at each fruit collection in all areas of the experiment. The yield of mid-early varieties ‘Sonata’ and ‘Giant Journe’y in 2023 was negatively affected by frosts in May on the surface of the soil -1 0С, which damaged 10 % of the flowering plants. Covering with a white cloth and using soil mulching with a black film accelerated the growth of berries. The drip irrigation system even during the dry Mays of 2022-2023 with the amount of precipitation (30 mm) and (16.8 mm) made it possible to obtain a high yield of ‘Prestige’ (11.5 t/ha) and ‘Rainbow’ (11.9 t/ha). Studies have shown that growing garden strawberries under more controlled conditions accelerates plant development, maturity and achieves higher yields than under normal conditions.
Key words: garden strawberry, climatic conditions, productivity, culture, variety, soil.
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