UDC 551.58:634.1
M.O. BUBLYK, I.V. GRYNYK, Doctors, Professors, Academicians of NAAS of Ukraine
H.A. CHORNA, L.A FRYZIUK, Research Workers
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv, 23, Sadova Str., e-mail: sad-institut@ukr.net
The purpose of this study was to analyze global achievements in the study of the direct and indirect effects of climate change on fruit plants, their phenology, yield, physiological responses to stress events, changes in pest insect populations, the spread of diseases, economic consequences, consumer habits, and outline directions for further research.
The work methodology included searching and summarizing publications in popular scientific databases and journals.
The analysis of scientific literature shows that temperature increase, water and temperature stress can cause a disorder in the development of plants and make important changes in the chemical composition of fruits and yield. Preserving the genetic diversity of plant species that have higher resistance to climate change is important for future breeding. Studies have also confirmed the complexity of the interaction of plants with the environment and their adaptation to abiotic stress. Physiological processes, such as photosynthesis and carbon distribution, under the influence of stressors can be manifested at different stages of plant growth, which is important for their reproductive processes. Further research into crop diversification strategies and effective land use practices to adapt to climate change are important aspects to be thoroughly explored. The development and implementation of new horticultural systems based on biotic intensification aims to ensure environmentally safe production and support. Ukraine, taking into account agro-industrial specialization, faces significant climatic risks, which can lead to serious consequences for agricultural production and the country's economy. Research results indicate the need for accelerated adaptation and development of effective measures to preserve natural resources and ensure sustainable development. Attention is drawn to the research of innovative approaches to the consumption of energy and food resources aimed at reducing gas emissions and improving environmental sustainability.
Key words: weather factors, fruit crops, pests and diseases, phenology, stressful events, adaptation, genetic diversity, agriculture, economic consequences, consumer habits.
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