Genetic-immunological and methodological aspects of increasing the efficiency of the study and selective use of the Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees. gene fund
DOI: 10.32205/0558-1125-2023-78-73-79
UDC 635.939.982:631.528
О.I. RUDNYK-IVASHCHENKO, Doctor, Corresponding Member of NAAS of Ukraine
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: rudnik2015@ukr.net
Experimental studies evaluated the criteria of variability, heredity and genetic dependence of the signs of decorativeness and productivity of Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees. plants for their use in further selection. According to the results of the study and morphological description of the features of this culture, correlations were established between the main ones that characterize the decorativeness of the plant, namely: the height of the plants, the number of twigs on the stem, leaves, flowers on the plant, the width of the habitus, the diameter of the inflorescence, the number of petals and flowers in an inflorescence, the duration of interphase periods of plant growth and development. According to the results of statistical processing, the values of the coefficients of phenotypic variability and heritability of quantitative traits of the Callistephus Chinese were determined. The authors’ assessment of the variability, heredity and genetic dependence of the quantitative traits of culture makes it possible to note significant genotypic differences in the inheritance of plant decorative traits. Such characteristics as plant height, flower diameter, the number of petals and flowers in an inflorescence, the length of a peduncle, the number of inflorescences on a plant showed high genetic heritability compared to phenotypic variability. Based on the analysis of the research results, it can be reliably stated that precisely due to the studied and described traits, using them in the selection process, it is possible to significantly improve Callistephus Chinese plants in terms of the decorativeness of the plant, which will increase its commercial value. Determining the value of genetic heredity in comparison with phenotypic variability allows speeding up the creation of new varieties of Callistephus Chinese with the necessary parameters of decorativeness and other important features.
Key words: Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees characteristic, decorativeness, variability, heredity, genetic dependence.
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