Frost resistance of the large-fruited sweet cherry cultivars in the Right-Bank of the Western Lisosteppe of Ukraine
UDC 632.111.5:634.23:551.581.2
O.A. KISHCHAK, Doctor, Corresponding Member of NAAS of Ukraine
A.V. SLOBODIANIUK, Post Graduate Student
Yu.P. KISHCHAK, Yu.Yu. TELEPENKO, PhD, Senior Research Workers
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail:
The results of determining the potential level of frost resistance of 27 promising large-fruited cherry varieties using the laboratory freezing method are presented. The purpose of the research was to study the adaptive potential of promising large-fruited cherry varieties of Ukrainian breading program in terms of determining their resistance to the impact of critical low temperatures. The degree of tissues frost damage of shoots and buds was assessed according to intensity of their browning on transverse anatomical sections based on microscopic analysis on a six-point scale. According to the results of research, varieties with the highest level of frost resistance were selected. Laboratory freezing of one-year branches of large-fruited cherries varieties during a period of relative rest under the temperatures of -25 and -30 °С, should the features of freezing of their tissues and parts of growths. A higher degree of freezing of the tops of one-year branches compared to their middle part was established. It also was revealed a high potential frost resistance of the researched varieties at temperatures of minus 25 °С. At the same time, at – 30 °С, severe damage of individual tissues of one-year branches was found in the varieties Dzherelo, Regina, Prostir, Vasylisa Prekrasna and Temporion, which were marked by a high indexed score of damage - 61.8-72.3 % (for the minimum permissible 50 %). Against their background, the most frost-resistant varieties were selected, such as Donchanka, Anons, Kazka, Etyka, Krupnoplidna, Valeriia and Anshlag, which had the lowest indexed damage score (30.4-43.8 %) and may be promising for growing in the right bank part of the west Lisosteppe of Ukraine, because they were characterized by a greater adaptability to the impact of low critical temperatures during a period of relative rest.
Key words: cherry, cultivar, laboratory freezing, temperature, critical tissue damage, frost resistance.
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