Features of the functioning of the pigment complex and yield of gooseberry of domestic breeding in the Western Lisosteppe of Ukraine
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2023-78-97-103
UDC 581.1(038): 631.526.32: 634.725
O.P. LUSHPIGAN, Senior Research Worker
S.V. MARTYNENKO, Junior Research Worker
Institute of Horticulture (IH), NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova, e-mail: dar.iliencko@bigmir.net
We diagnosed the functional state and potential productivity of the pigment complex of the gooseberry of domestic selection in the conditions of the Western Lisosteppe of Ukraine. We established relationships between functional stability, efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus and economic productivity of valuable forms of this culture. In comparison with the control variant of gooseberry variety Nesluhivskyi, the hybrid forms of selection of IH NAAS Lasunok, Medovyi, as well as varieties Petrivka, Kholodnyi Yar surpassed the control in terms of individual indicators of potential productivity and functional state of the photosynthetic apparatus.
Our study of the relationship between the actual productivity of gooseberry and the features of the functioning of the pigment complex showed that the economic productivity was ensured to a greater extent by the productivity potential of the pigment complex in terms of maximum fluorescence and the rate of energy transfer to the synthesis of organic matter. This is confirmed by the inversely proportional correlation between the actual productivity of experimental gooseberry plants and their productivity potential according to the first wave of fluorescence (r = -0.60). This wave (Fmax1) characterizes the potential of the pigment system regarding the transformation of accumulated energy into compounds of organic synthesis.
A medium-level negative correlation (r = -0.58) was also established between productivity and Ki1. The last coefficient reveals the efficiency of light transmission near the reaction centers of photosystem II. At the same time, he takes into account the influence of stress factors that prevent the normal operation of the photosynthetic system in the light phase.
The functional state of all experimental plants was high. Accordingly, the level of correlation between yield and functional state (as a factor at the maximum) of plants in the studies was low (less than ± 0.2).
According to the set of fluorescent indicators considered in the article, the varieties and hybrid forms of gooseberry were characterized by sufficient stability of functioning and productivity of the pigment complex of leaves to ensure economic productivity in the conditions of the Western Lisosteppe of Ukraine.
In terms of productivity potential, the investigated variants were superior to Nesluhivskyi (control), one of the best varieties of domestic selection. The promising hybrid form of gooseberry Medovyi, and varieties Petrivka, Kholodnyi Yar were noted for intensive accumulation of organic compounds. These three options were marked by the highest actual productivity (on average over the years of research, 15.7-17.0 t/ha).
According to the results of the initial varietal study, gooseberries Kholodnyi Yar, Petrivka were submitted to the state register of Ukraine. Promising hybrid forms Lasunok, Medovyi are undergoing the final stages of initial varietal study.
Key words: gooseberry, variety, hybrid forms, chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthesis, leaf apparatus, potential productivity, productivity.
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