Collective plants of Syringa vulgaris L. of domestic and foreign selection in the conditions of the Right-Bank Lisosteppe of Ukraine
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2023-78-69-72
UDC 634.5:631.5
T.I. TYKHYI, Research Worker
O.M. LYTVYN, Junior Research Worker
L.P. Symyrenko Research Station of Pomology, IH of NAAS of Ukraine, 19511, Mliiv, Cherkasy district, Cherkasy region, e-mail: mliivis@ukr.net
The results of studying the growth and development of introduced Syringa vulgaris L. plants are given. According to the results of a five-year study of varieties and forms (2018-2022), their evaluation is carried out according to a set of characteristics: flower size and inflorescence size, aroma and terry of the flower, resistance to burning, duration of flowering.
According to the results of records and observations of introducers during 2018-2022, the sources of valuable signs were identified:
- flower size: Alba Grandiflora, Alphonse Lavallee, Condorcet, Ludwig Spaeth, Michel Buchner, Obelisque, President Grevy, Taras Bulba, Furst Bulow, Reamur, 1-3, 3-2, 6-10, 6-11, 7-1, 7-4;
- size of inflorescences: Alphonse Lavallee, Marechal de Bassompierre, Miss Ellen Willmott, President Grevy, President Poincare, Reamur, 2-1, 6-9, 7-4;
- aroma: Congo, Ludwig Speth, Leon Simon, Marechal de Bassompierre, President Poincaré, 3-2, 6-9;
- for terry: Mme Abel Chatenay, Mme Lemoine, Miss Ellen Willmott, President Poincare, Taras Bulba, 4-1, 4-6, 6-10, 7-4;
- resistance to flower burn: Spring Dr. Masters, Condorcet, Leon Simon, Ludwig Spaeth, Marechal de Bassompierre, President Grevy, President Poincare, Furst Bulow, 2-1, 5-3;
- duration of flowering (18-21 days): Lavoisier, Leon Simon, Mme Antoine Buchner, Mme Lemoine, President Poincare, Taras Bulba, 4-6, 6-12, 7-1, 7-4.
As a result of many years of work, a Syringa vulgaris L. collection based on floral terry was created. According to the botanical classification (species, subspecies and varieties), the collection includes 26 specimens studied for 13 characteristics and has 60 varieties.
Key words: Syringa vulgaris L., flower size, inflorescence size, aroma, flowering duration.
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