Biogeochemical fundamentals of the development of horticulture in Ukraine
UDC 635.6:550.4:581.9
T.M. YEHOROVA, Doctor, Docent
Institute of Horticulture NAAS, 03027, Kyiv, 23, Sadova, e-mail: egorova_geochem@ukr.net
There is considered the importance of biogeochemical research for improving the quality of fruit crops. A significant part of the Earth's population suffers from diseases associated with an imbalance of nutritional (essential) elements. Scientific directions for in-depth research into the quality of horticulture products, their comprehensive evaluation and forecasting of their impact on the health of the population are gaining relevance.
Biogeochemical research is one of the newest trends in the development of horticulture in Ukraine, which can further declare the excellent quality of our fruits and berries on the European market
It is noted that the theoretical basis of such studies are the works of V.I. Vernadskyi. The purpose of the presented research is to generalize the regional biogeochemical features of the fruit-growing zones of Ukraine and to determine the relevant directions for improving the quality of fruit and berry products due to the balance of essential traceelements.
The biogeochemical subregion of balance Co, Mo, Mn, Zn, Cu, Sr prevaile in the territories of the Eastern Forest Steppe and Donbas, as well as in the northern part of the Southern Steppe and the central part of Crimea. In these territories, statistical estimates of the content of the studied essential microelements in the soils corresponded to biogeochemical norms (within threshold concentrations); medical statistics did not record an increased incidence of the corresponding endemic diseases among the children's population.
Biogeochemical subregions of imbalance Co, Mo, Mn, Zn occupy about 80 % of the area of Ukraine and are spread over the territory of 9 fruit-growing zones - Polyssia, Western Forest-Steppe, Transnistria, Western and Central Steppe, North-Eastern Steppe, Southern Steppe, Prykarpattia, Transcarpathia, Crimea.
Peculiarities of horticulture in the territories of biogeochemical subregions of imbalance Со, Мо, Мn, Zn are caused by the increased probability of manifestation of up to 16 phytopathologies of crops. Our regional medico-geochemical studies here have established an increased prevalence of diseases among the children's population endemic diseases - anemia, glomerulonephritis, diabetes, poisoning. Within the biogeochemical subregions of Co, Mo, Mn on the territory of 11 administrative regions of Ukraine, it is necessary to introduce special agrochemical technologies for feeding crops using appropriate agrochemical methods.
It is advisable to take into account the relationship between the existing content of nutrient microelements in the soil and the physiological needs of agricultural crops when we planting new gardens. For example, planting apple orchards and vineyards is advisable on the territory of biogeochemical subregions with both an excess of zinc and a lack of molybdenum, because these crops have, respectively, very high needs of Zn and insignificant needs of Mo.
Key words: micronutrients, product quality, biogeochemical provinces, non-infectious phytopathologies.
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