DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2022-77-100-107
UDC 634.738:581.143.6
Y.S. ZAPOLSKYI, Junior Research Worker
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: nadiiayaremko@gmail.com
The agents and their concentrations (0.1 % HgCl2 solution and 1 % and 2 % “Lizoformin 3000” solutions) influence on the efficiency and the explants initiation was researched in order to red bilberry cultivate under the conditions. All of them appeared effective for obtaining explants however for the further regeneration the use of the 0.1 % solution was optimum (61-85 % of the regenerated explants depending on the exposition). Such explants amount was maximum when utilizing 70 % of alcohol (30 sec.) and 0.1 % of the HgCl2 solution (4 min). Three nutritive media were studied for the effiecent red bilberry reproduction, namely: Anderson, Zimmerman and Broome and McCown as well as the best concentration was selected which provided the highest reproduction coefficient of the cultivar Runo Bielawskie. For instance, a nutritive medium and concentration were selected for the maximum explants proliferation in the conditions in vitro (the medium WPM with the addition of 2-iP in the concentration 5 mg/l – the reproduction coefficient being 3.8). Besides, the investigated factors effect on the reproduction coefficient was established statistically, the medium composition influence being the greatest one – 91 %. The rest of the factors did not effect this index considerably. The possibility of the simultaneous rooting and adaptation directly under the conditions ex vitro was proved with an effectivity of approximately 90 % that makes it possible to save costs when growing plants commercially. The efficient methods of the cv Runo Bielawskie reproduction were elaborated for the first time in Ukraine. Those methods may be applied for the studied crop drawing in the industrial numbers.
Key words: red bilberry, explants, sterilization, reproduction, in vitro, in vivo, adaptation, cytokinin, 2-iP, WPM, medium, lizoformin, mercury chloride.
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