Influence of the apple trees foliar nutrition on the ascorbic acid accumulation by the fruits in the process of their growth and development
UDC 631.576:634.11:577.164.2
Influence of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees foliar nutrition on the ascorbic acid accumulation by the fruits in the process of their growth and development / Shevchuk L.M., Vintskovs'ka Y.Y. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2017. – 72. – P. 100-106. – Refs.: 14. – in Ukrainian.
The authors present the results of the researches aimed at determining the influence of the foliar nutrition of the apple trees grown in the Right-Bank Ukraine’s Lisosteppe. The nutrition has been carried out with the preparations that are not harmful for the human and plant organism. The optimum terms have been established for the increase of the vitamin C content in the fruits during their growth and development. The Atonik Plus use before the second wave of the ovary falling off and apples harvest has appeared to contribute to the rise of the ascorbic acid amount by the cultivars Yamba and Mavka. When treating the fruits of the summer cv Yamba the vitamin C content in them has increased during the second wave of the ovary falling off while for ‘Mavka’ the usage of this preparation has done during the first wave. The hydrothermic coefficient during the period since the vegetation beginning till the harvesting also proved to effect the ascorbic acid accumulation in the apples.
Key words: apple fruits, foliar nutrition, phytostimulator Atonik Plus, antitranspirant Vapor Gard, ascorbic acid.
1 Tabl., 1 Fig.