Influence of substrates on the productivity of apple vegetative rootstocks parental gardens

UDC 634.1:631.541.11

Influence of substrates on the productivity of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) vegetative rootstocks parental gardens / Grytsai O.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2017. – 72. – P. 114-121. – Refs.: 10. – in Ukrainian.

The influence of different organic substrates on the apple standard layers yield and their root system quality was estimated in the Right-Bank part of the Ukraine’s Western Lisosteppe. The layers yield appeared to increase when applying substrates with organic impurities (sawdust, peat and humus). The blade dependence on their composition was detected. The layers ability to root rose when using the substrates. All the researched vegetative rootstocks had their rooting zone prolonged in the variant “soil+peat” owing to this mixture peculiarities, thickness and heat regine.

Key words: clonal rootstock, yield rise, marketability, root formation, root genesis.
3 Tabl., 1 Fig.

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