Estimation of the apricot promise intense orchards in the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe

UDC 634.21:631.96

Estimation of the apricot (Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.) promise intense orchards in the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe / Kishchak Î.A., Kishchak Yu. P. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2017. – 72. – P. 73-79. – Refs.: 7. – in Ukrainian.

The authors present the results of studying promise apricot orchards on rootstocks with different growing energy. In order to provide the stable and high productivity of this crop intense orchards in the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe the most winter-hardy adapted cultivar Krasen’ Kyyeva has been proposed to be used combined with the semi-dwarf vegetatively propagated rootstock VVA-1 with the planting density 1250 trees/ha and formation of the orbicular as well as the spindle-like crowns.

Key words: apricot, rootstock, type of the orchard, growing energy, adaptivity, early-ripening, productivity.
2 Tabl., 1 Fig.

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