Economic and biological estimation of the new plum cultivars bred at the L.P. Symyrenko Institute of Pomology
UDC 634.222:631.521
Economic and biological estimation of the new plum (Prunus domestica L.) cultivars bred at the L.P. Symyrenko Institute of Pomology / Laskavy V.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2017. – 72. – P. 5-11. – Refs.: 4. – in Ukrainian.
The author presents the results of studying new plum cultivars and elite forms bred at the L.P.Symyrenko Institute of Pomology under the conditions of the Northern Lisosteppe (Right-Bank) Zone. In particular, the fruits of cvs Cantata, Nen’ka and hybrids ¹¹12456, 8124, 8115, and 8121 appeared to be characterized by very large average mass (52.0 g, 58.0 g, 53.2 g, 58.0 g, 62.0 g and 64.2 g respectively) whilst Pamyat’ Materi, Original’na and Trudivnytsya Mliyeva by large mass (40.0 g, 40.4 g and 43.7 g respectively). All the researched cultivars had the stone which separated easily from the flesh of fruits. It is very important when making juices, jelly, wine materials and high quality prunes and it is necessary to remove a stone. The fruits of he studied hybrids and cvs look exceptionally attractive and have high taste peculiarities. In the 16th year after planting the trees of all these cultivars and hybrid forms achieved optimum growth parameters. In the period of the full fruiting they need rejuvenation which provides the every year growth of shoots and renewal of generative organs to prolong the term of the high productive exploitation of orchards.
Key words: plum, cultivar, yield, fruits, trees, crown.
3 Tabl.