Apple cultivation in Ukraine

UDC     634.11:631.111:631.541.1:631.17

Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivation in Ukraine / Bublyk M.O., Grynyk I.V., Barabash L.O., Fryzyuk L.A., Boldyzheva L.D., Gavrylyuk V.G. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2017. – 72. – P. 187-201. – Refs.: 15. – in Ukrainian.

The review paper has considered the main problems of the apple cultivation in Ukraine, presented the historical information about the apples production since the middle of the 20th century to the present day and determined the major regions for the industrial carrying out of this process.
The area of favourable lands in the country is 15.8 mln.  hectares, the total area of apple orchards 106.1  thousand ha, about 41% of which are on the most suitable lands in the Western Lisosteppe and Prydnistrovya. The planting stock production is concentrated mainly in four regions: 38% in the Podillya and Prydnistrovya, 15% in the Transkarpathia, 17% in the Mykolaiv region, and 20% in the Dnipropetrovs’k, Zaporizhzhya and Donets’k regions.
During the latest five years the average annual apple output was about 1.1 mln. ton, among them almost 70% in individual farms mostly to meet their own requirements for fresh fruits.
The characteristics of the main and promise cultivars and rootstocks has been presented as well as the technologies for manufacturing.

Key words: history of apple growing and its major regions, planting stock production, cultivars, rootstocks, apples storage and marketing in Ukraine.
2 Fig.

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