Trends in the modern sweet cherry orchards constructions Worldwide and in Ukraine
UDC 631.543.2:634.23 (4/9+47)
Trends in the modern sweet cherry (Cerasus avium Moench.) orchards constructions Worldwide and in Ukraine / Kondratenko P.V., Bondarenko P.G. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2016. – 71. – P. 75-79. – Refs.: 10. – in Ukrainian.
The authors have considered the problem of the sweet cherry cultivation intensification with the purpose of reducing the trees unproductive period in order to accelerate the initial investments repaying and recomended two main ways of this problem solving. The first one is to establish superintensive orchards on dwarf rootstocks, the bulk of the crop being in the basal part of one-year shoots. The second method is the use of rootstocks with the average growing energy and formation of the more traditional spindle- and bushlike crowns. The comparative characteristics of those intense orchards constructions are presented in order to determine the optimum ones for the Ukraine`s Southern Steppe.
Key words: sweet cherry, rootstock, orchard construction, crown form, early ripening, yield, fruits quality.