Teoretical and methodological aspects of the price formation at the fruit and small fruit market in Ukraine
UDC 339.13.017:634.1.076:634.7
Teoretical and methodological aspects of the price formation at the fruit and small fruit market in Ukraine / Salo I.A. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2016. – 71. – P. 174-180. – Refs.: 12. – in Ukrainian.
The author has researched the process of the price formation at the market of agricultural products, in particular, fruits and small fruits, namely: legislative basis, types of prices, main methods of their establishment, reasons of the inefficiency of the price mechanism, regulation of the price control. The generalized plan of the retail price formation of the fruit and small fruit products has been made. The alternative price which meets the market requirements and provides the possibility of the broadened manufacturing at horticultural enterprises is an equivalent one. Its calculation is based, first of all, on the equality of market operators and on the balance of the interactions between the branches.
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Key words: price formation, market, fruits, small fruits, equivalent price, regulation.