Ñultivar-rootstock combinations of cherry in a nursery
UDC 634.23:631.526.32:631.541.1:631.53.037
Ñultivar-rootstock combinations of cherry (Cerasus vulgaris Mill.) in a nursery / Kryvoshapka V.A. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2016. – 71. – P. 59-70. – Refs.: 27. – in Ukrainian.
The author presents the results of studying the peculiarities of the cherry ñultivar-rootstock combinations growth in a nursery. The evaluation was carried out of the suitability of vegetative rootstocks VSL-2, P-7, P-3 and PN for 10 cherry ñultivars in comparison with the mahaleb cherry seedlings. The ñultivars on P-3 distinguished themselves for the best axillary buds preservation (84.3%) and the highest growth process intensity in a nursery. The researches showed the inexpediency of growing ‘Podbyel’s’ka’, ‘Turgyenyevka’, ‘Al’pha’, ‘Rebats’ka Krasunya’ on the rootstock VSL-2 as well as ‘Radist’, ‘Favorite’ and ‘Donyets’ky vyelikan’ on PN and ‘Rebats’ka Krasunya’ and ‘Nochka’ on P-7. Because of the negative morphological signs (early leaf yellowing and fall, their depression state) these combinations are characterized with the incompatibility of the grafted components.
Key words: cherry, ñultivar, rootstock, compatibility, nursery, growth, functional state.