Selection of perspective cherry cultivars with fruits favourable for the rapid freezing
UDC 631.576: 634.23: 631.569
Selection of perspective cherry (Cerasus vulgaris Mill.) cultivars with fruits favourable for the rapid freezing / Voitok T.I. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2016. – 71. – P. 118-122. – Refs.: 9. – in Ukrainian.
The results of the researches are presented on the storage of the fruits of the cherry cultivars Radist’, Minister von Podbielskie and Kseniya as frozen during six months. The content of vitamin Ñ in fresh and defrostated fruits was determined as well as losses of juice by them during unfreezing them. The general testing estimation of them was conducted. Dependence was established between losses of juice by the defrostated fruits and vitamin Ñ. According to the basic quality indexes cvs were selected with fruits that are suitable for rapid freezing.
1 Tabl., 2 Fig.
Key words: cherry fruits, storage period, defrostation, juice losses, vitamin Ñ, general degustation valuation.