Regulated obtaining of the strawberry late harvest in Sumshchyna in the open ground
UDC 634.75:631.526.32:330.322.5
Regulated obtaining of the strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) late harvest in Sumshchyna in the open ground / Filyov V.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2016. – 71. – P. 79-88. – Refs.: 8. – in Ukrainian.
Under the preliminary data of the researches the author has substantiated the advantages of the regulated strawberry late harvest growing in the open ground the patches being exploited for three months in the planting year with using the highest grade "frigo" seedlings in different terms as well as the most productive remontant cultivars. The terms of planting the mentioned seedlings are determined taking into consideration desirable terms of the harvest obtaining. Its dimensions, in turn, depend on the planting term. The most favourable varieties have been determined.
5 Tabl.
Key words: strawberry, cultivar, productivity, quality, seedlings, phenophases, resistance, efficiency.