Peculiarities of the microbial communities development and functioning in the agrocoenoses of orchards and small fruit plantations
UDC 579.26:631.46:574.24
Peculiarities of the microbial communities development and functioning in the agrocoenoses of orchards and small fruit plantations / Patyka T.I., Dudina T.A., Patyka N.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2016. – 71. – P. 123-129. – Refs.: 14. – in Ukrainian.
The authors present the results of researching the peculiarities of the development of microbial communities of various etiologies, that are functionally significant in plantations of fruit, small fruit and nuciferous crops in different agroecological zones of Ukraine. They have established the level of the pathogenic activity of the dominant bacterial populations of the genus Pseudomonas ssp. and the mixed micromycetes races Fusarium, Alternaria. The disclosure of the details of the formation of the microbial-plant interaction not only enriches the scientific understanding of the biological community in general, but also creates possibilities for the development of effective technologies for the rehabilitation of agrobiocoenoses, creating the basis for strengthening mechanisms of leveling the consequences of affection and enables to control over the spread of pathogens, develop and use comprehensive measures for the plant protection.
6 Fig.
Key words: microbial communities, bacterial populations, micromycetes, pathogenicity, phytopathogenic organisms, orchard agrocoenoses, bioassay.