New clonal rootstocks for the stone fruit crops intense orchards
UDC 634.20:631.541.1:631.153.7
New clonal rootstocks for the stone fruit crops intense orchards / Yeryomin G.V., Vasyuta S.À. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2016. – 71. – P. 51-58. – Refs.: 4. – in Russian.
The brief characteristic of the new clonal rootstocks (Best, Zaryevo) bred at the Krymsk Research Breeding Station are given that are favourable for the use in intensive technologies for the cultivation of the stone fruit crops – plum, apricot, peach and resistant enough to harmful biotic and abiotic stresses. This fact provides their high adaptivity to the unfavourable fenvironment factors in the South of Russia. The most optimum methods of their propagation have been recommended. The experimental data are presented about the plum cultivars behavior on the clonal rootstock Best with the low and Zaryevo with the average growth energy in the orchard under the conditions of the Krasnodar Krai. The correct selection of high quality rootstocks for a certain horticultural zone will make it possible to create intense plantations and realize at most their potential productivity.
3 Tabl., 4 Fig.
Key words: stone fruit crops, rootstocks, propagation methods, plum, peach, apricot, intensive technologies.